
November 12, 2006

Google Search History Records

Google Search History records the queries and the search results you've clicked on. How would you use this service? It is yet another Google new features. For using this services all 
you have to do , just login to google account and rest leave to Google.

1. Search History Trends tells you statistical information about your Google searhes. For example, you can monitor your daily search activity.

2. Google Recommendations is a gadget that lists searches, web pages and gadgets recommended for you.

3. Browse the Search History and bookmark interesting sites. Just click on the small star next to search result.

4. Find how often you search for something.

5. If you know you visited a sited found using a Google search, you can use the Search History to find it.

6. Go to a certain day in Google Search History to see what searches you performed that day. It's like going back in time.

7. How many times did you visit a site from Google search and when was the last time? Search its web address and you'll see the answers next to the title.

8. Grab a feed of your latest queries: https://www.google.com/searchhistory/?output=rss. Note that your feed reader needs to support SSL.

9. If you search for sensitive information or you don't want to include certain queries in Search History, either pause Search History, or remove the sensitive queries and search results.

10. Google Desktop extends this concept of history to all the websites you visited in your browser, but you are able to search this history only from your computer or from all your computers if you enable Search Across Computers.


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